Hammertoe Diabetic, How You Can Control It

You may already be aware that diabetes can lead to issues with your feet, such as ulcers that take a long time to heal or nerve damage that reduces sensation in your feet. However, the problems continue. Your elevated blood sugar levels may exacerbate additional podiatric issues. Hammertoe is also a direct result of diabetes and it causes the toe to turn downward instead of flat. If your toes are not extending straight, you are in a very big problem. Before we give you the treatments, you have to know how diabetes causes hammertoe.

Why Diabetes Causes Hammertoe

The primary reason why people with diabetes are more likely to develop hammertoe is that diabetes can lead to neuropathy or damage to the nerves. Your nerves suffer from your persistently elevated blood sugar, which usually damages the neurons in your feet. Consequently, many people with diabetes experience reduced experience in their feet compared to normal people. Hammertoe Diabetes does not hurt much initially, but deep inside, hurting the nerves and damaging the bones. Eventually, it starts to hurt, causing blisters and other uncomfortable bruises. Meanwhile, shoes can hurt more. A diabetes patient with hammertoe will eventually start to lose sensation in the affected area, signalling nerve damage.

If you experience these symptoms, consider this your last and final warning, so rush to your nearest local podiatrist. If you do not take a proactive stance against this health issue, it will make your life a living hell. Glycosylation, a long-term effect of diabetes, stiffens tendons and ligaments. We are not exactly sure how diabetes causes this, but if you Google it and learn more, it has a concept to do with “AGE cross-linking.” Therefore, they will have a very hard time straightening out if their toes itch every single time they agree, and they have stiff joints from diabetes. They will eventually find themselves essentially locked into a contracted role.

Treatments for Hammer Toes

The foot and Ankle Practitioners offer conservative Diabetic foot treatment for hammertoe that may be helpful if you seek medical care early on. At the same time, your little toe is still flexible. The following are some nonsurgical hammertoe treatments:

  • Particular orthotics
  • Food cushions that elevate and realign the toe
  • Injections of cortisone
  • Exercises
  • Changing into new shoes

These steps can be called preventing steps, but hammertoe diabetics can be halted by maintaining these steps.

Can Hammertoe Surgery Work?

Surgery for hammertoe is necessary in severe cases where the member of the foot is immobile. Thankfully, skilled podiatrists use the most recent advancements in surgical technology and methods to minimize scarring and hasten recovery. Repositioning tendons and sometimes removing a portion of the bone are involved in hammertoe surgery. The best podiatrists provide hammertoe diabetic surgery in modern podiatry offices throughout the USA.

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