How are patients properly prepared for discharge after a stay in hospital

A well-executed hospital discharge can make all the difference to a patient’s health and long-term recovery. The conversation that is had between clinicians, the discharging nurse, and the patient must contain a wide range of information, and this should be properly understood. Done correctly, a hospital discharge ensures the patient departs safely, with the medication they need and their follow-up appointments are successful. Even on busy days, patients need to be given clear guidance on their condition, their continued care, and any warning signs to watch for. It’s a process that requires excellent communication skills, patience, and knowledge of care coordination.

How do family nurse practitioners help prepare patients for a move?

As they spend so much time with patients, frequently act as advocates, and have excellent communication skills, family nurse practitioners can play an important role in the discharge process. Indeed, research suggests that the “…use of NPs reduces acute care usage, hospitalizations, and it eases care transitions when they do occur.” Part of their role in this process will include reading through the discharge paperwork with a patient and including family members in this if they are available. This ensures that everything is understood and that the patient is aware of any follow-up instructions. In a hospital setting, family nurse practitioners can draw upon their extended training and practical knowledge to ensure these potentially difficult transitions run smoothly and patient outcomes are optimal.

It’s a responsible role, but also one that offers many personal rewards, as well as an excellent salary. Nurses who have previously considered this rewarding career but have been held back due to the lack of accessible training can now complete an FNP qualification remotely, through an academic provider such as Rockhurst University.

Their online post graduate FNP certificate can be earned in as little as two years, and all the required coursework is completed remotely, so nurses do not have to relocate in order to attend. Furthermore, as Rockhurst University has a full clinical placement service, students can complete all the necessary rotations within driving distance of their homes.

Why is using clear language so important in patient discharge?

There are often instructions to go through when someone leaves the hospital after an illness or injury. Both the patient and their family must understand what these consist of. They should be written using non-specialist terms and be padded out with a range of pamphlets and guides, to ensure the patient can look after themselves at home. To confirm someone knows when their next appointment is and which symptoms could be a cause for concern moving forward, the clinician supervising their discharge can ask them to repeat what they’ve been told. The patient should be able to explain why they had to stay in the hospital, what treatment they had, how they will care for themselves at home, and which medications they are now on.

Ensuring discharge medications are correct 

When a patient leaves, their current medicine list should be established through a discussion with the physician or family nurse practitioner. It’s a good idea to involve partners or family in this process, as well as the patient. In many cases new prescriptions have been added and other medications may have been changed. A discussion will include these changes, as well as advice on the new medications, and how to get these from the hospital pharmacy. Patients can also be advised to ask the pharmacist if they are unsure about an unfamiliar drug, to confirm it’s the right one for them.

Giving the patient time and space to ask questions 

Healthcare professionals have a comprehensive knowledge of treatments and conditions, but patients rarely do. Therefore, it is never a good idea to assume that someone is happy with the advice they’ve received when they the leave hospital. A practitioner can sit with them and their family to ask if they have any questions and give them plenty of time to answer. This makes the patient feel comfortable and more likely to open up about any concerns they have.

Ensuring the patient can access appropriate care from home 

Depending on why they were admitted to the hospital and what their condition is on discharge, some patients may need support with their mental health or community care at home. If so, nurses will speak with the case manager at their facility and a request will be made to the appropriate service. Whether a social worker becomes involved in the patient’s care, or they get a home health nurse to assist with occupational therapy, the plan should be in place before they are discharged. Once the case manager has spoken with the service, the nurse can confirm to the patient when the practitioner will be in touch to arrange a visit and set up their care package. In case there are any problems, or if the patient wishes to ask a question, they should be given a phone number for the service on their discharge paperwork.

Confirming follow-up appointments 

Many patients have to attend at least one follow-up visit after they have been discharged from hospital. These can be carried out in a hospital setting with a specialist, or with a primary care provider, such as the patient’s physician. If appointments have already been scheduled, nurses will ensure the patient is aware and has the dates and times written down. If not, they will recommend a time frame for arranging the appointment and reiterate the importance of going along for a checkup or further testing.

Final thoughts

Throughout the patient’s stay at the hospital, their FNP, other nurses, and clinicians will take the time to consider their discharge. This will involve educating the patient about their treatment and condition, as well as talking them through the medication they need to take. This gives the patient a good chance of self-managing their health when they are living back at home and can prevent them from being readmitted.

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