How Is Pancreas Responsible for Diabetes?

The pancreas engages in the production of insulin, which is essential to regulating your blood glucose levels. If insufficient insulin is not produced by your pancreas, you will suffer from type 1 diabetes. If your body is unable to utilize the insulin produced by the pancreas, you will experience type 2 diabetes.

Insulin is necessary to make energy from carbohydrates

The pancreas is located behind your stomach. It is responsible for making enzymes. It also makes insulin to regulate your blood sugar levels. The cells responsible for making insulin are known as beta cells. Your body uses insulin to convert the carbohydrates in your food into energy. It also facilitates the transfer of glucose into the cells in your body. Cells receive the necessary energy from glucose for their function.

Cells cannot take glucose from your blood in the event of insufficient insulin. It causes a rise in glucose levels in your blood. According to physicians at Medriva, this condition is called hyperglycemia, or high blood glucose. Hyperglycemia leads to several complications and symptoms of diabetes.

The link between diabetes and the pancreas

You will suffer from diabetes because of the presence of higher glucose levels in your blood. This health condition arises when your body fails to produce enough insulin. It could be due to a problem with your pancreas. Blood glucose levels vary in people suffering from diabetes. It could be higher or lower at different times. It depends on factors like how much you practice exercise daily, what you eat, and whether you consume medicines for diabetes. The pancreas is involved in the development of type 1 as well as type 2 diabetes.

How do you cure diabetes?

When your immune system attacks beta cells, which are responsible for the production of insulin in your pancreas, you will suffer from type 1 diabetes. Your body will not receive sufficient oxygen when these beta cells are damaged and your pancreas stops working. To balance blood glucose levels in people suffering from type 1 diabetes, physicians recommend administering insulin injections every day. The healthcare experts at Medriva tell you that it usually develops during adolescence or childhood and is often called juvenile diabetes. It could result from environmental or genetic factors. In the US alone, around 1.9 million people suffer from type 1 diabetes.

If your body has developed insulin resistance, you will suffer from type 2 diabetes. The cells in your body will not be able to receive insulin, though the pancreas produces sufficient insulin. As a result, the pancreas produces more insulin to meet the demand. In this process, beta cells may get damaged, and your pancreas may stop working. It results in high blood glucose levels. Your cells will not receive sufficient energy because of this health condition. Some of the causes of type 2 diabetes include family history, genetics, dietary choices, a lack of exercise, and obesity. You can treat type 2 diabetes by being physically active, making changes in your diet, and using prescription medicines.


The problems with insulin and the pancreas could lead to diabetes. It can cause a spike in blood glucose levels and result in serious health complications. You need to monitor blood glucose levels and consume prescription medicines regularly to control your diabetes. You need to consume a diet rich in nutrients and maintain a healthy weight.

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