What is ulcerative colitis and how do you manage it?

Ulcerative colitis causes ulcers and inflammation in the digestive tract. It affects the rectum and inner layer of the large intestine, aka the colon. People suffering from this disease notice symptoms over some time. It could be draining and cause life-threatening complications.

According to doctors at Medriva, ulcerative colitis has no known treatment. However, several new treatments are available that reduce the symptoms and signs of the disease. Some of the symptoms of ulcerative colitis include rectal pain, fatigue, weight loss, urgency to defecate, abdominal pain and cramps, rectal bleeding, diarrhea, and failure of growth in children. Of course, these symptoms may vary depending on the severity of the disease.

Causes of ulcerative colitis

Some of the causes of ulcerative colitis include stress and diet. However researchers say these factors may aggravate and do not lead to ulcerative colitis. It could be due to a malfunction of your immune system. An immune system attacks the invading bacterium or virus and keeps you safe. However, an irregular immune response may cause your immune system to fight cells in your digestive tract.

Managing ulcerative colitis symptoms

You can manage the symptoms of ulcerative colitis through some dietary measures, like avoiding certain foods and eating a healthy diet. It may be difficult for you to digest certain nutrients, like fiber, during the flare-up. They could easily consume these foods outside of the flare-up. But they may experience discomfort when symptoms start occurring.

People suffering from ulcerative colitis are likely to suffer from nutritional deficiency because they cannot consume various foods. They may also face problems absorbing essential nutrients and suffer from nutritional deficiencies. The healthcare experts at Medriva tell you that to ensure getting sufficient nutrients, such people need to consume foods rich in minerals and vitamins such as vitamin A, calcium, and iron.

Some of the foods recommended for people with ulcerative colitis are foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, probiotic foods, lean protein, refined grains, low-fiber fruits, dietary supplements, cooked vegetables, and plenty of fluids.

Vegetables such as asparagus, squash, and cucumbers without skin can be cooked and fed to people suffering from IBD (inflammatory bowel disease). You can also include foods like firm tofu, eggs, chicken, and fish, which are rich sources of lean protein, in your diet to prevent nutritional deficiency. Refined grains like oatmeal, white rice, gluten-free bread, white pasta, and potatoes can be easily digested. Yogurt, which is rich in probiotics, also promotes digestion. It also reduces the symptoms and flare-ups of ulcerative colitis. Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids are chia seeds, hemp, flax seeds, walnuts, mackerel, and salmon.

You need to avoid consumption of lactose products like cheese and milk, processed meats, red meat, alcoholic drinks such as beer, wine, and liquor, carbonated drinks, sugar alcohols (xylitol, sorbitol), whole nuts, fruits with skin on, and whole grains, high-fat foods such as coconut, full-fat dairy, processed foods prepared using palm oil, hot peppers, chilies, and hot sauces.


Diet and stress could lead to ulcerative colitis. You need to identify foods that may cause discomfort and worsen the symptoms and avoid them. Some of the best foods beneficial for people suffering from ulcerative colitis are walnuts, chia seeds, mackerel, and salmon.

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